based on the quartet from Act III of the opera Rigoletto by G. Verdi
based on themes from the incidental music to A Midsummer Night's Dream, op.61 by F. Mendelssohn
based on the waltz and duet from Act II of the opera Faust by C. Gounod
prelude based on a theme from the Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV.12 by J.S. Bachnot related to S.180
see also S.176a
arrangement of S.274/2
arrangement of S.527
arranged as S.512, S.598
arranged as S.511e, S.596, S.643see also S.231
méditation symphonie after V. Hugoarranged as S.635themes used in S.261a
arranged as S.669b, S.583, S.504a