Nicholas Childs


Nicholas Childs


Birth/native name:
Nicholas John Childs

Born: 1961-10-07, United Kingdom

Information: Wikipedia

14 Performances
14 Performances All items
Arrangement for Winds
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Timings: 00:05:13
Italian Fantasy
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Timings: 00:07:57
Arrangement for Winds
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Timings: 00:01:40
Arrangement for Winds
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Timings: 00:03:14
Arrangement for Winds
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Timings: 00:03:33
Themes of the 4th &5th Movements Arranged for Winds
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Arrangement for Winds
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Timings: 00:04:16
Arrangement for Winds
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Timings: 00:03:34
Arrangement for Winds
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Timings: 00:04:53
Arrangement for Winds
2010-04 in Town Hall, Morley
Timings: 00:10:55