John Blakely


John Blakely


Birth/native name:
John P.R. Blakely

Born: 1947, United Kingdom

Information: Wikipedia

23 Performances
23 Performances All items
4. An die Nachtigall (Geuss nicht so laut)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:03:05
6. Da unten im Tale
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:19
5. Minnelied (Holder klingt der Vogelsang)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:02:02
3. Das Mädchen spricht (Schwalbe, sag mir an)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:30
3. Nachtwandler (Störe nicht den leisen Schlummer)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:03:12
3. Ich schleich umher
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:40
3. Wandrers Nachtlied
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:48
1. Ich atmet' einen linden Duft
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:02:32
6. Allegretto tranquillo (Venetianisches Gondollied)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:02:02
Das Rosenband (Im Frühlingsgarten fand ich sie)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:31