Neil Mackie


Neil Mackie


Born: 1946-12-11, Scotland

Information: Wikipedia

17 Performances
17 Performances All items
5. Minnelied (Holder klingt der Vogelsang)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:02:02
3. Nachtwandler (Störe nicht den leisen Schlummer)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:03:12
3. Ich schleich umher
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:40
3. Wandrers Nachtlied
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:48
Das Rosenband (Im Frühlingsgarten fand ich sie)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:31
Der Einsame (Wann meine Grillen schwirren)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:03:50
Der Wachtelschlag (Ach! mir schallt's dorten)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:47
Heidenröslein (Sah ein Knab' ein Röslein stehn)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:01:40
Herbst (Es rauschen die Winde)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:03:05
Jägers Abendlied no.2 (Im Felde schleich' ich still und wild)
1989 in Great Hall of St. Olare's School, Orpington
Timings: 00:02:13